CAMGEW uses environmental education to build the love of nature in children in schools for them to grow up and become lovers of nature. CAMGEW create awareness in communities on the need to protect the environment through behavioural change. Poaching, over exploitation of forest resources, deforestation, pollution, land degradation, etc are problems CAMGEW try to solve. CAMGEW uses the media, outdoor lessons for schools, flyers and drawings to bring positive change.
Children in schools in Limbe have benefited from our programme. Children received outdoor lessons on ecology in the Limbe Botanic Garden, Limbe Wildlife Center, marine ecosystem and sustainable agriculture. Children in Oku receive lessons in class, Oku Community forest and Oku Community Radio. The community in Oku have benefited from our organized field trip to the Oku Community Forest. Schools children have been taken to Mvog Betsi zoo and public gardens.